Substation Photomontages and Fly-through Video

Planning permission in principle for the substation was granted in August 2021 and we submitted a detailed substation application in late 2022 (22/01416/AMM), which can be viewed on the East Lothian Council website’s planning portal.  Visualisations of the substation are now available on the planning portal and we have included several on the website. An updated 2 minute fly through video of the site is available here

The proposed substation is smaller than the existing ScottishPower substation next door. We have brought forward several smaller buildings rather than one substation building and set it back from the road to allow for landscaping to screen the development.  Below are the latest photomontages - the baseline photo alongside a Year 10 planting.


Section 42 Application Approval


Seagreen 1A Advances Through the Planning Committee